Net time x suspended time
Debate on the films Deserto Azul, by Eder Santos Júnior, and Stalker, by Andrei Tarkovsky, with the participation of Anton Dolin, Eder Santos and Mônica Cerqueira.
Water: Feminine Noun
With the participation of Celeste Estrela, Ísis Ferreira, Monik Ellen and Dilma Silva e Souza.
Mediation: Lidi Lobo.
How many waters run in a woman's body until a life forms? The woman, as a body-matter, is the generating water of life that navigates like rivers and seas. Water is a feminine potency, vital and natural energy that women pack, shake, dam and expel in their wombs. Based on these experiences, guests Celeste Estrela, actress and poet, Monik Ellen, ceramist and photographer, Ísis Ferreira, singer and composer, and Dilma Silva e Souza, obstetric nurse at Sofia Feldman hospital, will talk about the humanization movement in childbirth. it is more than women's search for a respectful birth, in which they can play the leading role in this human and physiological event.
Almeida Prado (1943 - 2010):
-From Pero Vaz de Caminha's Letter
I - First vision of the earth
II - Mount Paschal
III - The savages
IV - Wild: forests, orchids, birds and fountains
V - The passion of the land
VI - The fantastic mystery
VII - The island of Vera Cruz
Oliver Messiaen (1908 - 1992):
-Harawi (Song of love and death)
I - La ville qui dormait, toi (The city that slept, you)
II - Bonjour toi, colombe verte (Good morning, green dove)
III - Montagnes (Mountains)
IV - Doundou Chil
V - L'amour de Piroutcha (The love of Piroutcha)
VI - Répétition planetaire (Planetary essay)
VII - Adieu (Goodbye)
VIII - Syllabes (Syllables)
IX - L'escalier redit, gestes du soleil (The staircase repeats itself, gestures of the sun)
X - Amour oiseau d'étoile (Stellar bird love)
XI - Katchikatchi les étoiles (Katchikatchi the stars)
XII - Dans le noir (In the dark)
Eliane Coelho, soprano
Soul Liebrecht, horn
Sofia Leandro, violin
Gustavo Carvalho, piano
8:30 pm
Concert III
27 november to 6 December 2020
SESI Yves Alves Cultural Center
10 am to 7 pm
Conception: Lucimelia Romão
Performer: Lucimelia Romão
Soundtrack: Matheus Correa and Lucimélia Romão
Executive Producer and Biologist: Liliane Crislaine
The first shot hurts, the second shot makes breathing difficult, and the third kills! So what's the room for? The fifth? The sixth? The seventh? The eighth? The ninth? And the tenth shot?
The tide is high. Full of bullets. Full of bodies. Full of black bodies pierced by bullets! It overflows with pain, overflows with death. Tears spill over from the eyes of peripheral mothers, those mothers who know they have put their children out into the world to be shot by the state and by the Brazilian racist police. It is in this strategic scenario of abandonment that the state keeps the black population in sub-human conditions.
A body. Mute. Terrified. Riddled with pain and blood. Seven liters. Seven liters of blood that drains from each body, while life goes out, every 25 minutes, thus filling a pool of one thousand liters in about 59 hours.
The genocide of black youth has been the state's basic policy towards Brazilian blacks since slavery. Extermination is imminent. War tactic waged against a people who never had the right and conditions to fight on equal terms. Children, teenagers and young people are killed. Life expectancy decreases. Women are raped, their children are riddled with bullets.
check out the days and times of each exhibition
the farewell (Proschanie) | Larissa Shepitko / Elem Klimov
Blue Desert | Eder Santos
Stalker | Andrew Tarkovsky
Hotel Mekong | Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Daughters of Washers | Edileuza Penha de Souza
Xingu's last lap | Kamikia Kisedjê, Wallace Nogueira
Submerged city | Caetano Dias
The river cure | Mariana Fagundes
plant water (Water Cycle – 4 episodes)
The Mermaid (Russalka) | Alexander Petrov
The old and the sea (Starik and more) | Alexander Petrov
the ships of times past (Korabli proshlikh liet) |
Yuri Bogusslavski
Confluence between thinking, artistic making and manifesting.
26 november to 6 December 2020
SESI Yves Alves Cultural Center
10 am to 7 pm